Legal Treatises on the Law of Evidence 1880 – 1900

A select bibliography.

In response to a recent request I compiled a short, selected list of treatises published between the years 1880 and 1990. It is being reproduced here for the benefit of those readerw who might also be interested. This list is selective and thereroe not intended to be exhaustive. Even among the authors listed, many produced an number of additional titlies related to the law of evidence.:

Selected treatises on the law of evidence – United States published in the late 1800’s
Prepared by. David G. Badertscher, Principal Law Librarian, NY Supreme Court Criminal Term Library, First Judicial District.

This is a selected list. Many of the authors listed below were quite prolific and produced several editions of their publications.

Abbot, Austin. Trial Evidence. The Rules of evidence applicable on the Trial of Civil Actions ..At Common Law in Equity and Under the Rules of Procedure. New York, Baker, Vorhis and Co. 1880. KF8935.A72.

Best, William Mawdesley. The Priciples of the Law of Evidence, with Elementary Rules for Conducting the Examination and Cross-Examination of Witnesses (American Edition), Boston. Soule and Hughes, 1883.

Bradner, George William. Rules of Evidence as Prescribed by the Common Law, For the Trial of Actions and Proceedings, Chicago, Callaghan and Company. 1898, 12-7543; 2001271.

Gates, Jasper Calvin. Cases on the Law of Evidendce. St. Paul, MN. West Publishing Co. 1897.

Greenleaf, Simon and Simon Greenleaf Crosswell. A Treatise on the Law of Evidence., 14th Ed. Revised. “With large additions”. Boston. Little Brown 1883.

Jones, Burr W. And William Carey Jones. The Law of Evidence in Civil Cases, 4th Edition Revised. San Francisco. Bancroft-Whitney Company 1896.

Reynolds, William. The Theory of the Law of Evidence as Established in the United States.and the Conduct of the Examination of Witnesses. Chicago, Callaghan and Company. 1883.

Rice, Frank Sumner. The General Principles of the Law of Evidence in their Application to the Trial of Criminal Cases at Common Law and Under the Criminal Codes of the Several States. Rochester, NY, The Lawyers’ Co-Operative Publishing Company, 1893.

Underhill, Harry Clay. A Treatise on the Law of Evidence With a Discussion of the Principles and Rules Which Govern its Presentation, Reception and Exclusion, and the Examination of Witnesses in Court. Chicago, T. H. Flood and Company 1894.

Underhill, Harry Clay. A Treatise on the Law of Criminal Evidence, Including the Rules Regulating the Proper Presentation of Evidence and its Relevancy; The Mode of Proof in Particular Classes of Crimes, and the Competency and Examination of Witnesses With Full References and Decisions. Indianapolis and Kansas City. The Bowen Merill Company, 1896.

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