
Why Should We Care What NCJRS Stands For?

Anne Skove and her group who publish the Court-o-Rama. org (otherwise known as the “least dangerous blog”) have reminded us once again in a August 3 posting just how useful NCJRS is as an information and research source for a wide range of criminal justice related information.

Below is an excerpt from their posting:

“We are still getting used to living in a world in which not everyone knows that NCJRS stands for the National Criminal Justice Reference Service. Odder still is the idea that some people might not have heard of it or used the NCJRS site. We can hear you now saying ‘N-C-J-What-What?’ ”

“The site lets you navigate criminal justice topics from a to z, or by topic area. Reports are available as summaries/abstracts, pdf files, or you can order quaint paper copies and they will mail them to you. The help desk is quite helpful if you are unable to find what you want or need assistance finding the most recent statistics on any given topic….”

To see the complete posting and take a look at their “least dangerous blog” go to :

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