
Selected Documents and Web Sites: U.S. President’s Budget for 2009


The following posting consists of a series of documents selected to hopefully help provide those readers interested with an overview of the budget and the budget process. It also includes a list of the web sites rererenced in President Bush’s Budget Message.To provide added context I have embedded some of the citation references within quotations from his message. Due to the size and complexity of this budget as submitted we can only include a few of the documents in this posting. The following includes links to the series of documents selected.


The Nation’s Fiscal Outlook (PDF 365 KB)
As Released by the Office of Management and Budget

The Budget System and Concepts (PDF 235 KB)
As Released by the Office of Management and Budget
Fiscal Overview of the President’s Fiscal 2009 Budget Proposal (PDF 50.3 KB)
Summary Prepared by the Minority Staff of the House Budget Committee

The President’s Fiscal 2009 Budget: Analytical Perspectives – Introduction (PDF 147 KB)
As Released by the Office of Management and Budget

The President’s Fiscal 2009 Budget: Analytical Perspectives – Economic Assumptions and Analyses (PDF 677 KB)
As Released by the Office of Management and Budget

The President’s Fiscal 2009 Budget: Analytical Perspectives – Budget Reform Proposals (PDF 191 KB)
As Released by the Office of Management and Budget

What’s at Stake? State-by-State Analysis of the President’s Fiscal 2009 Budget (PDF 188 KB)
Report Prepared by the Majority Staff of the House Budget Committee

WEB SITES LISTED IN PRESIDENT BUSH’S BUDGET MESSAGE: The budget of the Federal Government for Fiscal Year

“To help Americans see where their money is being spent, we have launched
website called

“…to help Americans see the kind of results they are getting
for their money, we launched….”

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