
Paperless Progress

BY Keith Ecker
FROM: InsiderCounsel Magazine April 2008 Issue

“Many lawyers believe the nature of their profession necessitates the hoarding of paper-a lot of paper-a misconception that through time has made them the enemy of tree”…

“Thanks to the advent of certain technologies, in-house counsel don’t have to be paper packrats anymore. Document imaging, e-billing software and matter-management systems have become much more commonplace in the corporate environment, and all help lawyers reduce their carbon footprint. This helps save the environment and also save on costs. “…

” ‘What I find most striking is that the most expensive course a law department can take is printing everything and being paper-centric,” says Ross Kodner, president of MicroLaw, a legal technology consultancy. “Focusing on building electronic case and matter files actually yields the least expensive operating approach, not to mention the inherent greenness. It just makes sense from all perspectives.’ ”

To read the entire article click here.

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