
Disaster Plannning for Law Libraries

This morning I was one of many who received the following e-mail from Jessica Van Buren of the Utah State Law Library. :

A few weeks ago I asked if any of you had disaster plans to share. I offered to compile responses for a new Toolkit page on the SCCLL [ State Court and County Law Libries Special Interest Section of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) ] website if there was interest.

There was plenty of interest! Only two had plans to share, but it’s a start. The information I gathered is now on the new Disaster Planning page on the SCCLL website at

My thanks to our webmaster Kate Fitz for her work putting the page together! If you’d like add your plan (or any other information) to the web page, please send it to her at
After reading Jessica Van Buren’s e-mail I visited the SCCLL website and was quite impressed by both the design and content. It is a wonderful place for those who need disaster planning information, not necessarily just for law libraries, to also visit.

David Badertscher

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